Saturday, December 17, 2011

Have you seen every Ice Age and Shrek?

I was watching Ice Age Dawn of the Dinosaurs with my boyfriend awhile back, and something struck us. Ice Age and Shrek have a lot of similarities. We thought for awhile, and actually came up with quite a few.

 1. Manny vs. Shrek
Shrek and Manny's characters are very alike. They're very large, and they are also each the last of their kind (in the first movie anyways).  They use their size to intimidate other creatures away from them, because they both would rather live their lives alone. That all changes however for both of them when two unexpected friends enter their lives
2. Expect the Unexpected

Manny met his unexpected friends, Sid and Diego, in the first Ice Age movie, but at different times. Shrek met Donkey in the first movie, then they met Puss in Boots in the second movie. Sid and Donkey are both the funny friend that really get on Manny and Shrek's nerves sometimes. Diego and Puss are both orange cats, and they're both very tough, they can really take care of themselves, also making them the smarter friend. When Shrek saves Donkey from the soldiers in the first movie, Donkey follows Shrek around, and Shrek tries to make him go away every chance he gets. Of course, Donkey doesn't, and Shrek eventually finds himself stuck with him. Then, Shrek and Donkey run into Puss in Boots, who was hired to kill Shrek, but becomes his friend instead since Shrek spares his life. The same thing basically goes down between Manny, Sid, and Diego. Manny saves Sid from being killed by two prehistoric rhino's, then Sid decides to follow Manny around, even though he tells him numerous times that he wants to be left alone. Later in the movie, Sid saves a baby, leading them to meet Diego, since he is on a mission to get the baby for his pack leader. At the end of the movie, Manny saves Diego's life, and Diego becomes his friend because of it.

3. A little thing called love

This went opposite from meeting friends for Shrek and Manny. Shrek met Fiona in the first movie, where Manny didn't meet Ellie until the second Ice Age movie. Lord Farquaad hires Shrek and Donkey to rescue Princess Fiona from the tallest room, in the tallest tower of a castle surrounded by a lake of hot boiling lava, and guarded by a terrible fire breathing dragon (who later becomes Donkey's wife). After Shrek saves her, he has to take Fiona back to Farquaad. As they're all traveling back together, Shrek and Fiona slowly start to like each other more and more. Fiona notices Shrek's not the mean, ugly, ogre he appears to be, and Shrek realizes Fiona's not the stuck up, spoiled, princess he thought Fiona should be. By the end of the movie they end up falling in love and getting married. 
Manny and Ellie meet when everyone is moving to that big piece of bark in Ice Age two. When they meet, Manny finds out that Ellie is actually convinced that she is a possum. Both groups (Manny, Sid, Diego, and Ellie, Crash, and Eddie) decide to travel together. While traveling, Manny eventually convinces Ellie that she is in fact a mammoth. They eventually start to like each other, and fall for each other later when Manny saves Ellie from drowning. 

4. The pitter patter of little feet

Like most love stories, both of these end up with children. Shrek and Fiona end up having triplet ogre babies  (Fergus, Farkle, and Felicia.), while Manny and Ellie only had one little girl mammoth (Peaches). The rest of the movies are pretty much happy family life with friends, something terrible happens, main character and friends have to save the day, everything works out for everyone, they all live happily ever after, the end.


1. Scrat

I cannot think of anything in Shrek that would compare to Scrat's character in Ice Age. I mean, Scrat only sees Manny, Sid, and Diego one think (that I can remember). Other than that, he's just doing off trying to get that acorn he loves so much. If anyone can think of something, please comment and let me know.

2. Dronkeys

At the end of Shrek two, Donkey learns that Dragon had little dronkey babies. So Shrek's not the only one that has kids in his movies. In Ice Age, neither Sid or Diego end up even finding any kind of wife type deal. The only thing that even come close to comparison is that Sid sort of kidnapped three T-rex dinosaur babies that end up hatching on him. He watches them for I think a day, then the mother comes and takes them back. 

So please, tell me what you think, maybe tell me what you agree with or maybe disagree with, and enjoy the rest of my blog. 

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